Lake Weed Removal Services
Invasive plants are on the rise in Minnesota’s lakes. We hope that YourLake is part of the solution! We want to help ensure that your lake is healthy and that you can enjoy it! Our scuba methods will help you make the most of your lake and your summer.
We systematically remove this invasive species by hand to instill confidence that your swimming area is safe and healthy.
Hand removal of Zebra Mussels
Curly Leaf
Eurasian Milfoil
Wild Celery
By-The-Root Plant Removal (Scuba)
Golf Balls
Miscellaneous Removal/Retrieval
Areas We Service
Boat Launch
It’s important to keep high-traffic areas clear of plants for you and your boat.
Swimming Areas
Our favorite, most rewarding place to service are people’s swimming areas.
Boat Slip
Due to their frequent use, boat slips are important to keep clear.
We service docks from top to bottom to remove zebra mussels, slime, and anything else we find.
Even though scuba gear is not required, we’ll help remove unwanted weeds, trash, drift-wood, and anything else we find from your shoreline.
If you have a body of water and need work done that’s not listed, give us a call! We’d love to help if we can.
About Other Options
Aquatic Herbicides — Herbicides can be effective for some homeowners; however, this treatment method does not physically remove the plants from the water. Instead, it simply kills them. Chemical use often comes with restrictions, like limited or no contact with the treated area for a period of time. Herbicide use is not immediate; it may take several weeks to notice a difference. As the chemical begin to work on the plants, it leaves them to sink and decay on the lake bed, which, in turn, creates more sediment for next year’s growth. Our hand-pulled, by-the-root method is a stark contrast to chemical use and ensures less regrowth from year to year. Our methods also provide the opportunity for sediment erosion to exist. An added benefit to choosing our method over chemical use is there’s no chance of affecting your neighbors beach, too!
Weed harvesters — Weed harvesters leave immediate results, as they are, essentially, a large lawn-mower for aquatic plants. They are not designed to remove plants by the root, though, which enables regrowth. These harvesters often leave small portion of the cut plants in the water, which poses a danger for replant in different locations throughout the lake.
Rakes — Rakes can be effective in removing plants from reachable areas; however, rakes will typically only get the top portion of the plant and leave the roots, enabling regrowth on a regular basis.
Rollers and Fans — The use of mechanical rollers and underwater fans can be expensive and are not designed to remove plants. They maintain areas and prevent regrowth well, but these methods require a Minnesota DNR-issued permit.
What the DNR says
Sq/ft allowed
The DNR allows 2,500 Sq Ft of submersed plants to be pulled without a permit. Up to 50% of shoreline may be granted in a permitted case.
Plants not to touch
Most emerging plants require a permit in order to pull. There are some exceptions: ask your sales representative about details
Creating a boat path of 15 feet wide (of submersed OR emerged plants) does not require a permit. This boat path is exempt from the 2,500 sq/ft limit.